Reef Of Riches

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  5. Reef Of Riches Slot Machine
  • Where is highest marine biodiversity in the world? In Raja Ampat, Indonesia!
  • Why are the reefs still so healthy? That’s exactly what we want to find out.
  • I hear it’s a great place to go on vacation? You’re not the only one. We want to study the effect of tourism on the reefs below water and the villages above water.

Goal of the expedition

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With a diverse team of scientists, teachers, conservationists from Indonesia and the Netherlands we will collect local knowledge and ecological measurements to map out future scenarios for one of the richest reefs in the world, Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

The area is a top priority for conservation. At the same time, the area is being highly promoted for national and international tourism. Can the two go together? We want to understand how the richest reefs of the world can stay resilient to climate change under increasing pressure from tourism. We’re going to study the social-ecological-system, where we take an approach that explicitly links the resilience of ecosystems to governance structures, economies and society.

Expedition participants

Six Wageningen University & Research scientists are sailing along on this floating university: Lisa Becking (Marine Animal Ecology & Wageningen Marine Research), Ingrid van de Leemput (Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management), Machiel Lamers (Environmental Policy), Erik Meesters (Wageningen Marine Research), Ludi Aji (Marine Animal Ecology), and Ery Admodjo (Environmental Policy). Also joining us will be Erik Horstman (UTwente), Awaludinnoer Ahmad (The Nature Conservancy Indonesia), Ricardo Tapilatu (Universitas Papua), Elvis (Raja Ampat Regency Ranger, UPTD BLUD) and Eva van den Broek (Behavioural Insights).

They’re going to some remote locations, so whenever they have enough internet they will share their observations and insights on this blog!

Holistic perspective

Reef Of Riches Documentary

Lisa Becking leads the expedition by boat. “After years in the field,” the marine biologist says, “I have come to a better understanding that the conservation of coral reef ecosystems depends as much on ecological and evolutionary processes underwater, as on socio-economic processes above the water level. And that these different processes are intertwined.”

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Or follow Lisa on Twitter: @beckinglisa

Welcome to the Twilight Zone: Oceana is working to protect pristine deep reefs on Benham Rise.

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Photo Credit: Oceana/UPLB

Hundreds of miles off the Philippine coast, an untouched oasis lies beneath the waves. Terraces of coral sprawl into the dim blue. Tropical fish weave through huge sea sponges. Whale sharks and tiger sharks occasionally glide overhead. This Shangri-La is Benham Bank, and it’s one of the Philippines’ last, best chances to protect old-growth coral reefs.

It’s no secret that ancient reefs are in trouble. From Australia to Hawaii, they are succumbing to pollution, destructive fishing, and the effects of climate change. Things are especially dire in the Philippines. More than a million fishermen depend on the country’s coral reefs, but today 54 percent are badly damaged.

Benham Bank, recently renamed Philippine Rise, is a rare exception. Its reefs have dodged fishing pressure and pollution because they’re so far offshore. “You don’t see any wrappers from potato chips. You don’t see fishing line tangled as much,” says Oceana Chief Strategist Margot Stiles. “To find a reef this healthy and intact is very special.”

But special doesn’t mean protected. At least, it doesn’t yet. Benham Bank doesn’t have legal safety today. It’s vulnerable to the same pressures that have devastated other reefs. That’s why scientists are racing to study Benham, and why Oceana is working with the Philippine government to get solid management laws in place. Without legal protection, this unique place could slip away.

Riches beyond riches

Incredible is an understatement when it comes to Benham Bank. The 17,000 hectare area is home to old-growth corals and hundreds of species of fish. It boasts 100 percent coral cover in some places, and sits atop the highest, shallowest peak of an extinct underwater volcano.

Don’t imagine Benham as your next SCUBA spot though. While the reefs are beautiful, they’re both remote and deep: from 35 meters (115 feet) down to 150 meters (492 feet) below the surface, in the twilight “mesophotic” zone. Diving down there takes special gear and years of experience. And help is far away if something goes wrong, says professional diver Miguel Zulueta, who filmed underwater for the 2016 expedition.

Mesophotic reefs are deeper than shallow, coastal reefs, but share many of the same species. So while these deeper spots can be risky for human visitors, they’re potential refuges for fish and corals. Their cool waters may shield animals from a warming climate, and their remote location can help protect them from nearshore overfishing and intensifying storm surges.

At these depths, Benham Bank is a unique blend of shallow, warm water corals, together with deeper, cold-water species, Stiles says. Pacific bluefin tuna and other fish appear to come here to breed. The reef is also a nursery for important food species that sustain Philippine coastal communities.

Reef of riches documentary

Treasure for the taking?

Without smart management, Benham could be overfished and damaged, says Marianne Saniano, an Oceana scientist in the Philippines. Large international fishing vessels are already descending on the area. And the seafloor beneath the reef may be targeted by destructive industries in the future.

Scientists have only been studying Benham for a few years, Saniano says. But based on early research, Oceana is working with the Philippine government to declare Benham Bank a no-take zone by 2018. A fishing ban will protect wild stocks and shield the reef from destructive gear.

Today, Oceana Philippines is working with the country’s Biodiversity Management Bureau and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to permanently protect the reef from all future fishing and resource extraction. By closing off this one area, the hope is that it will act as a reservoir to supply fish to other, shallower areas that Filipino fishermen need.

Reef Of Riches

“Relatively few people are fishing there compared to many on the mainland,” says Stiles. “It’s worth reserving this place, so we have security for the future.”


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