Mayan Secret Box

Escape into luxury at Secrets Maroma Beach. Pure white sand, crystal-clear water and warm tropical breezes promise a perfect adults-only paradise at the all-suite Secrets Maroma Beach Riviera Cancun. This award-winning, AAA Five Diamond Resort lies along the Yucatan Peninsula, set on 500 acres of one of the most pristine beaches in all of Mexico. The Toy Master's Unicorn Trap! As they are walking home from horseback riding lessons, Addy and Maya come across a pair of My Lovely Unicorns. Too bad for the silly kids though because. Browse more videos.

Mayan Secret BoxMayan secret boxes

Mayan Secret Box Set


Mayan Secret Box Book

I recently ran across a very interesting post on a website that GC rules prevent me from naming. [However, you can search for it, at your peril, with the DuckDuckgo browser.] It was a background feature about Dasha (aka Anya, Alexia, Maya, Julietta, Sonya A, Lera), one of the most popular models for LS Studios.
What follows is the text of the actual post, largely unaltered by me except for the occasional clarification or grammatical edit.
In 2014, a woman going by the name of Maya posted a statement on a Russian Blog dedicated to former child models about her time with LS Studios, and what happened during that time.
[The following is a English translation of the source link] !! Sadly, the original link was not cited in the post.
[Note that Maya gives conflicting accounts on why she stopped modeling in 2004.]
'My name is Maya. I was born in Kiev in winter of 1992. I had a great family with lovely grandparents, and my parents loved me. I was an ordinary girl.
Back in the days, there was an TV ad about a company that provided an opportunity for children to become actors or actresses. The ad was so good and tempting that we (my parents and me) bought into it blindly. I really wanted to become an actress or, at least, a model. My parents contacted them and we went for an interview. This is how it all had started. And at the end we didn't expect that one day they would ditch us.. and when they did, it was awful.. it was so bad, it hurt our feelings..
Anyways, I was 7 when they showed us some photo sets with beautiful girls in different clothes and dresses. They said that all those sets were published on foreign websites (mostly, American) and offered to make nude sets. We accepted it because those photos were stunning. According to what my mom said, they didn't pay much. She spent a lot on things (food and sometimes clothes) to get me ready for photo sets. Each time it cost about 200 Hryvnias (about $28 in early 2000s). It wasn't a big deal, actually.
The thing is that I really enjoyed the process of making photo sets. You know that girls like attention. The more attention they get the more happy they are. Each girl liked when staff helped her with makeup, haircuts and getting dressed and treated her as a Hollywood star. The company had a tiny sewing room, where they produce costumes and stunning dresses. Oh, by the way, I want to mention that they didn't force us to strip. We played while they were making photos with us and it was just a fun thing to get undressed. As I am speaking for myself, I have no idea whether they did 'something' with other models, but nobody touched me that's for sure. Under normal circumstances the only people I was touched by were the makeup artist and hairdresser.
The staff in general worked very hard to make sure, that models didn't make friends with each other. I think they did it on purpose, because they were changing crews very often. They were worried about our feelings for that matter. I guess. The weird thing was that I was only given 3 photos from each set. [Many thanks to one gentleman, who recently sent me all of my photos].
In 2004, the company ended up being closed by the police. My parents didn't want to lose their social status so they didn't say anything to help the police with investigating the company? At the time, everything went quiet.
I reached puberty early due to my genes. My first time [having sex] was way, way after the photo sets.
I understand the fact that these nude photo sets of me cause sexual feelings for everyone. Not only 'perverts' are affected by them. These photos are pieces of art. But you never know what an ill-minded person will do with them (he/she might become cruel and rape kids..) Nobody can help it. It is what it is, and it will always be like that. Because it is temptation. But, how to control it? I think, there's a solution for it by requiring special licenses for watching materials with child sexual content. Just as people get gun licenses in some countries. These licenses would make people responsible for their actions.
When I felt that I didn't want to continue work for the last company, I quit. I used to work for many companies. I can mention one - Alex Models, the company that published LS magazine. I don't remember much, but they got shut down, and the owner of the company was arrested. But as nobody wanted to taint their lives [with scandal] the owner of Alex Models was released.
Nowadays, I'm a loving wife and mom. I have a beautiful daughter. Of course, life at times can be difficult, but I'm still too young to give up (I'm only 21). Everything will be fine.'
I have included some (possibly duplicated) background information on Maya from the same post.
Maya was born in Kiev in winter of 1992, and lived in central Ukraine.
From an early age, Maya was interested in becoming an actress, and to a less degree, a fashions model. In 1999, her family and her saw a TV ad for modeling for 'Ukrainian Angels', which was at the time owned by Alexander Chursin under the parent company 'Alex Models'. At that time, views on sexuality in Ukraine were more relaxed and things like nudism were very common. This, as well as the good money to be earned, is likely what convinced Maya's parents to allow her to model nude.
Maya started nude modeling for the 'Ukrainian Angels' in the year of 1999. She was 7 years of age when she started modeling. Ukrainian Angels was renamed to LS Studio in 2001, after some customers pointed out to Alexander Chursin that he might *not* want to advertise to law enforcement where his studio was located.
Maya described the atmosphere for the LS related studios as fun and relaxed. Often female photographers were used to put the models at ease. However, they encouraged the models to not make friends with each other.
Between 2000 and 2004, Maya modeled for over 50 sets and videos for the various websites under LS Studios, and was listed under various model names, though some websites listed her true first name.
She was one of the most popular models from LS Studio and had many fans. She was best known as Dasha or Anya. Her fans were nick-named 'Dashaphiles'.
Most of her modeling was done between the ages of 9 to 11 years old. Dasha entered puberty at an early age, and she was often mistaken for someone older. She was almost fully developed by 12 years old.
After LS Studio was raided by police in Ukraine in July 2004, Maya and her mother, like all of the other LS models, refused to press charges or testify against the studio or its owners.
She is currently married with children. Her surname or identity will not be given here for privacy concerns.